
SMMIS 2024 Weekly Newsletters

Each week we update our wonderful parents with a newsletter from our principal, informing them on upcoming holidays, school news, student birthdays and other important news. Please take a read of some of our newsletters for 2023 below.

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Awakened Schools: A Journey into Transcendent Education

I was fortunate recently to attend the Awakened Schools Institute convened by Collaborative for Spiritual Education at Columbia University.  This programme was inspired by the work of Dr Miller in her published research the Awakened Brain.

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SMMIS Service Journey to Vietnam

In the recent SMMIS visit to Vietnam, our Secondary School explorers visited the Village of Hope orphanage, embarked on sustainable gardening activities, explored the Cu Chi Tunnels, and a Mekong Delta river, while reflecting on the keys aspects of the ethos of SMMIS. The students and staff will tell you, it was a truly transformative experience.

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Unleashing Creativity and Innovation: A Dive into the SMMIS Makerspace Programme

At SMMIS, we are committed to providing all our students with opportunities to access cutting-edge resources to enhance their learning and prepare them for life outside of school. One such trailblazing initiative is the Makerspace Programme. This innovative project not only aligns with the evolving educational landscape but also cultivates a culture of creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking among our students. 

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Enriching Education at Sir Manasseh Meyer International School, Singapore

In the dynamic landscape of education in Singapore, Sir Manasseh Meyer International School (SMMIS) distinguishes itself through a holistic approach that goes beyond traditional academics. Offering a diverse range of opportunities, SMMIS prioritises the enrichment of its students, ensuring a well-rounded educational experience in a small, yet thriving, international school setting. 

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Nurturing Minds and Fostering Growth at Sir Manasseh Meyer International School

In the vibrant realm of education in Singapore, Sir Manasseh Meyer International School (SMMIS) distinguishes itself as an institution committed to holistic growth and development...

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How SMMIS's International Curriculum Shapes Global Citizens

At Sir Manasseh Meyer International School (SMMIS), education transcends traditional boundaries. Our internationally renowned curriculum is meticulously crafted to cultivate not just academic excellence but also to nurture young minds into empathetic, creative, and globally aware citizens of the world ...

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SMMIS Receives Three Awards in the HoneyKids Education Awards 2023!

We are thrilled to announce that Sir Manasseh Meyer International School (SMMIS) has been honoured with three prestigious accolades at this year's HoneyKids Singapore Education Awards! These awards celebrate the outstanding achievements and contributions of international schools and enrichment centres in Singapore. Read on as we celebrate our fantastic staff for their awards ...

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Self-Care during Tumultuous Times: Israel at War

A note from our Principal, Elaine Robinson, on the current state of war...I have been shocked and distressed since the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel on 7th October, the Jewish festival of Simchat Torah, traditionally a day for celebration. The ongoing war in Israel affects me on many levels: as a British Diaspora Jew and Zionist committed to the right of Israel to defend itself; an advocate of Interfaith Dialogue, and also as a Global Citizen, mother, friend and school leader...  

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Quality Education Without Breaking the Bank: SMMIS's Affordable Fees

Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most significant decisions parents make. It's a decision that involves careful consideration of various factors, and affordability is often a key concern. At Sir Manasseh Meyer International School (SMMIS), we understand the importance of providing a high-quality education without placing an excessive burden on families. Our commitment to affordability is deeply ingrained in our mission to make quality international education ...

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Nurturing Mind & Soul: SMMIS's Approach to Mental Health and Wellbeing

"Witness the transformation of your child as they develop a growth mindset at SMMIS, enriching both their academic and personal lives." At SMMIS, spiritual well-being is considered an essential part of the education journey. Through daily practices like mindfulness, yoga, meditation, and personal prayer, students are provided with the tools to cope with stress, concentrate better, and understand themselves more deeply. Inspired by the research of Dr Lisa Miller ...

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Find Community at SMMIS: How We Foster Unity and Growth

"At SMMIS, every subject is an opportunity for your child to stretch their boundaries, think critically, and develop as a whole person." We firmly believe that values like love, kindness, and resilience form the bedrock of our vibrant community. These Jewish teachings are deeply integrated into our curriculum, extracurricular activities, and the school's overall ethos. While these are Jewish values, their universal applicability fosters a sense of community ...

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Planning Your Child's Educational Journey: A Look at SMMIS's Comprehensive Curriculum

Choosing the right curriculum is the cornerstone of your child’s educational journey. While academic rigor is important, a truly comprehensive curriculum offers much more. It aims to foster holistic growth and prepare your child for a meaningful life well beyond the confines of a classroom. "A comprehensive curriculum doesn't just prepare your child for exams; it prepares them for life. At SMMIS, we provide an education that balances academic rigor with life skills ...

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Fostering a Culture of Thinking and Growth Mindset

"Your child won't just 'get an education' at SMMIS; they'll fall in love with learning itself, becoming self-driven explorers of knowledge and personal growth." The traditional model of education focuses on academics, often neglecting one of the most crucial aspects for long-term success—mindset. At SMMIS, we understand that fostering a positive mindset is as vital as academic knowledge, which is why we have cultivated a culture of thinking and growth mindset at the core of our educational philosophy ...

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Become a Global Citizen: SMMIS's World-Class Curriculum

"Experience an educational setting where your child is encouraged to learn from their mistakes and celebrate their efforts, paving the way for continuous improvement." Choosing an international school involves more than just evaluating academic programs. You also want an institution that arms your child with the knowledge, values, and skills necessary to thrive in a globalized world. That's where SMMIS stands out ...

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Choosing an International School in Singapore: The Importance of Cultural and Value-Based Education

Understanding International Education: A Key Decision for Your Child's Future. "Gain peace of mind knowing your child will experience a comprehensive education that prepares them for the future, both academically and personally." Selecting the ideal international school is a critical decision that shapes your child's future. The best institution should offer not just a globally-recognised curriculum but also a nurturing environment that instills values ...

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Speaker Series: The Importance of Sleep May 2022

Isabel Galiano is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Functional Medicine Practitioner, Certified Yoga Therapy Instructor and member of the Association of Naturopathic Practitioners (UK). She recently shared her extensive knowledge in the field of sleep with the SMMIS community. There is a growing crisis of sleep deprivation. We sleep 25% less than we did 60 …

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Teaching is the Elixir of the Soul April 2022

I have always known that I wanted to be a teacher, and each day I come to school the smiles of the students in my care make my soul sing, they fill my heart with joy. I really believe that teaching is the elixir of the soul. Imparting to young people, not only knowledge and …

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Motivation, Focus and Blended Learning October 2021

If there’s one thing we can all take away from the past 18 months – it’s that we’re all now experts at using Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Skype and many other online communication tools! We have to issue our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the SMMIS community for embracing and navigating the challenges that have emerged …

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Mindfulness, Mental Health and Wellbeing June 2021

Life is always unpredictable but I think we can safely say it’s never been so wildly unpredictable as it has these last 18 months.  COVID-19 has changed the world as we know it, and so having a positive and productive outlook on life has never felt so important.  Despite the challenges we have faced, there …

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Is My Child Being Bullied? March 2021

What are 3 tell-tale signs that my child is being bullied? You should monitor your child for changes in behaviour and demeanour. This might be becoming quieter and more withdrawn, or could manifest as becoming more emotional, angrier or more aggressive. Children might begin to exhibit school avoidance tactics. They might develop stomach aches or …

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Lessons from Lockdown December 2020

The end of a year is always a time of reflection, and this year more so than most. The Covid-19 global pandemic resulted in most countries around the world going into some form of lockdown or “circuit break” – call it what you may – where households were effectively confined to their homes except for …

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Speaker Series: Child Anxiety in a Covid World November 2020

Dr Roby Marcou, Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrician, shared her extensive knowledge and experience in dealing with child and adolescent stress and anxiety. The new world in which we find ourselves has challenged the resilience of many and thrown up some unique challenges for those experiencing stress or anxiety. All ages experience stress and an ability …

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